Nikshep Karja Surakshan Kosh Job Vacancy Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund


Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund (Nikshep Karja Surakshan Kosh) published vacancy job notice in various posts and level. Jobs dcgf gov np apply online job application nikshep karja kosh. Information regarding filling up vacancies in the fund through open competition. As per the agreement of the Public Service Commission, the written examination will be conducted by the Public Service Commission.

Mentioning the details in the application form provided by this fund, you have to certify the copy of the entire certificate of citizenship and educational qualification obtained by yourself and submit the application form along with 3 (three) copies of the recent passport size photograph.

If there is a public holiday on the last day of submission of the application, the application can be submitted the next day. No action will be taken on the application which has not been registered within the time limit and has not reached the due date.

Job Application Open for: Officer Level to Assistant Level
Last Date To Apply: 2081 Jestha 24, With double fee up to 2081 Jestha 31
Age of the candidate: 21 years of age and not less than 35 years of age for the official level till the last date of application
Assistant Level Age – Must have completed 18 years and not reached 35 years.
Contact Date and Location: 2081/03/05, Time: 11:00 Am Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund, Central Office, Gehnapokhari, Kathmandu.
Date and place of the examination: The written examination will be conducted by the Public Service Commission and the date and place will be published later.
Job Online Application: Link Given below

Interested & eligible candidates are requested to apply for the above vacancy posts.

Introduction: Deposit and Credit Guarantee fund (Nikshep tatha karja Surakhsan Kosh)

Financial stability is one of the topical issues that has been accorded increased attention from central bank, government, market players, borrowers and deposit insurer. As a deposit insurer, Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund(DCGF) has started the deposit guarantee scheme in Nepal from the year 2010. Deposit guarantee/insurance is recognized globally as an important component of a country’s financial safety net and has been implemented in more than 120 countries around the world.

It is a system that protects depositors against the loss of their guaranteed deposits placed with banks and financial institutions (BFIs) in the case of unlikely event of the BFIs failure. DCGF has given the statutory responsibility to perform both the deposit guarantee and credit guarantee function through it’s own “Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund Act, 2073”. In the DCGF Board there has been representation of six from the government and one from Nepal Rastra Bank. Obviously, DCGF is a government sponsored and administered separate entity. Generally, deposit guarantee system is a government sponsored scheme. In Nepal, deposit guarantee scheme is confined to BFIs namely.

-Commercial banks
-Development banks
-Finance companies and
-Micro credit development banks
DCGF has fixed the premium rate of 0.16 % on guaranteed deposit to all BFIs member institutions. The coverage of deposit guarantee is limited to Rs 3,00,000 per natural individual depositors per member institution applicable on a combination of saving and fixed deposit.

New Government Salary Scale Sarkari Jagir Talab Scale Details

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