Bachelor of Engineering BE Question Paper TU


TU Bachelor Program, BE Bachelor of Engineering Old Question Paper Collection. TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING, Examination Control Division.

Examination Control Division.

Subject: Computer Graphics (EX 603)
Candidates must give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
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Level: BE, Program: BEX, BCT, Year/ Part: III/ I

1. Distinguish between Raster and Vector graphics with suitable example.
2. Digitize the endpoint (20, 10) and (30, 18) using Bresenham’s algorithm. How the demerits of DDA is addressed in Bresenham’s algorithm.
3. Derive the composite matrix for rotation about arbitrary point (a, b) in clockwise direction with angle (0). Write an algorithm for Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm.

4. What are 3D Rotation and Shearing? Explain with matrix representations. A unit length cube with diagonal passing through (0, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 1) is sheared with respect to yz place with shear constants = 2 in both directions. Obtain the coordinates of all the corners of the cube after shearing.

5. What is Parametric Cubic Curve and why do you need it? Write down the step for cubic spline interpolation.
6. What is Wire-frame model and why do we need polygon data table? Explain with examples?
7. Describe Z-Buffer method of visible surface detection. Compare this method to other methods of visible surface detection.

8. What do understand by diffused and specular reflections and explain in detail how these terms are included in illumination model?
9. Define the term illumination and rendering. Write down the steps for phong shading method.
10. Write down the Open GL syntax to draw basic 2D geometric primitives with examples.

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