Emergency printing of driving licenses Fast track driving license application & Print process Nepal. Check Print Status of Emergency Driving License. Citizens who have to go for foreign employment or study abroad or employees or officials of international peace missions or diplomatic missions have completed the necessary procedures to obtain a driver’s license according to the prevailing law and can use the department’s website dotm.gov.np for urgent printing of driver’s license.
They can apply online to the department at applydinew.dotm.gov.np. Guidelines on Urgent Printing of Driver’s License, 2081 Preamble: To provide urgent driver’s licenses to eligible citizens or persons who are eligible to obtain a driver’s license according to the prevailing laws, including officials who are assigned to work in foreign employment, foreign studies, international peace missions and diplomatic missions.
As it is desirable, the department has made and implemented this guideline by using the authority given by Rule 62 of Vehicle and Transport Management Regulations, 2054.
Application Form Nibedan for Emergency Fast track License Print
Applicants need to write this application form to get an Emergency License.
Subject :- Regarding the provision of driver’s license (smart card).
In the present matter, I have a problem in the online system/for public and government purposes/to obtain a recognized profession and employment/foreign employment permit/to apply for employment. Card) I have submitted an application to be provided. I took the driver’s license after completing all the procedures according to the law. Also, I declare that my attached details and documents are true and correct and if there is any difference in the details and documents submitted by me, I will accept/explain them according to the prevailing law.

=> Download Print Application form Urgent Driving License print
Documents required for Urgent Emergency printing a driving license online
1. Documents required for studying abroad (Abroad Study)
a. No Objection Certificate (NOC)/Certificate of Eligibility (COE)/University Offer letter,
b. Passport
C. Visa
d. Ticket
However, for employment and study in India, only University Offer Letter, College Admission Letter and identity card will have to be submitted.
2. Documents required for going abroad for employment (Working Abroad)
a. Passport, b. Visa/Residential Card c. Ticket, d. work permit (work permit)
3 Documents required for going to the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission (Peace Keeping Mission)
a. Recommendation letter from the relevant office, b. Nomination letter, c. Identity card of the employee going to the peacekeeping mission.
4 Non-Resident Nepali (Non Resident Nepali)
a. NRN Card/PR Card b. Ticket c. passport
5 Others:,
a. Embassy recommendation letter
b. License holder’s identity card
b. Dependent
Passport, b. Visa, c. Ticket, d. Spouse’s visa / marriage registration
c. In the case of foreign citizens with Nepali license (NRN)
a. passport b. Nepali Visa
d. In the case of those who have received a residence certificate after completing their studies abroad
Residential Card

Emergency Driving License Print Status Check- fast track License Print
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