Medical Education Commission ( Chikitsa Shiksha Aayog) published important notice regarding exam center selection. Medical Education Commission (MEC) Very important information regarding the selection of examination center location for the integrated entrance examination of medical education undergraduate level.

If there is a need to conduct a joint entrance examination for various educational programs by the Medical Education Commission at the undergraduate level of medical education outside the valley.
Choose your suitable examination center location from the center location given through the Medical Education Commission’s online portal
Method of choosing an examination center
a) Go to
b) Click on check your status
c) Provide the details as used in the application form
d) Click on ‘Choose Exam Center’
e) Select a preferable exam center.
f) Click Save.
All the exam center selection links & processes are given below.
Candidates applying for more than one educational program will have to log in to a separate
Check your Status for each of the educational programs they have applied for and select the same examination center location for all the educational programs.

How To Choose your Exam Center:
Click Here to Choose your suitable Exam Center The details of the examination center of the examinee will be mentioned in the admission letter.
An examination center will be set up in the Kathmandu Valley in the case of foreign candidates and candidates who have failed to choose the examination center.

The decision on whether to set up an examination center at the place chosen by the candidate will be taken only after analyzing the situation. Directorate of Examinations Medical Education Commission

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