Covidconnect Np org is one of the best online platforms to help in a covid crisis. Covid connect np operated with the active participation of Nepali supportive youth, this platform is helping in bed, oxygen and ambulance management. Covid Connect NP Org ( is a supportive online platform for beds, ICUs, beds with ventilators, oxygen, and ambulances for the infected – Covid Connect Np Org.

The number of requests to come to the online platform ‘Covid Connect’, which was created to help the infected Covid-19 infected and their relatives, is increasing day by day.

How To Join Connect in – Covid Connect Nepal Org Help process

First Step– You Need to open or browse in your Browser
Second Step– If You want Help, please click in help task, If you want to volunteer other, then click on Volunteer
Third Step– Covidconnectnp org contain various help Menu- for Different task
Live Request– To request online live requests for any demand.
BED – To request for Covid 19 patient bed service
Oxygen – To request for Oxygen emergency for Covid 19 Patients
Vehicle – To request for Vehicle transportation
Food – To request for food for covid 19 affected people
Ask/Inform- To ask or inform about covid 19 situations in your area

If You Want to Be Covid connect Np Volunteer- Process to Join Covid connect np Volunteer

If You want to be join covid connect np platform for volunteer, you need to click Volunteer menu or button in this portal. Below are the some process and link to join volunteer in covid connect np org.

As corona infections have increased, so has the number of people seeking help at Covid Connect. With the shortage of beds and oxygen in the hospital, the amount of assistance we can provide has also decreased.
Volunteers from Covid Connect have formed four groups to help those in need.

The support team will follow up on requests coming to Covid Connect’s platform. Follow-up of those appealing for help depends on whether or not they need oxygen, depending on the condition of the infected person and how much oxygen or a ventilator bed is needed.

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