Journal of Institute of Science & Technology, Tribhuwan University, Institute of Science & Technology call for research article. The editorial board oi JISI would like to request all the interested researchers to send their research/review articles for publication in Journal of Institute of Science and Technology published by Office of Dean, Institute of Science and Technology as per the attached guidelines in the email addrcss, or by 1 September 2020. Preference will be given to the articles related to covid-l9.


Journal of Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary science journal published by Institute of
Science and Technology (IOST), Tribhuvan University (T.U.), Kathmandu, Nepal. It is published in two issues a year (the first issue: January-June and the second issue: July-December).

JIST publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications/reports/notes/comments and letters to the editor on all topics of different subjects of Science and Technology viz.botany, chemistry, computer, environment, geology, hydrology/meteorology, mathematics, microbiology, physics, statistics, zoology and allied fields. JIST is indexed in NepJOL ( and is ranked as TWO STARS by INASP Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS).
Authors are kindly requested to check final paper thoroughly before submitting – that you have fulfilled all requirements stated in the instructions.

Click Here to View Full Notice of Call for Research by TU IOST.