The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law of Lumbini Province has made an important announcement regarding the upcoming Province Day celebrations. According to the official notice released today, the provincial government has declared a public holiday on Monday, Magh 21, 2081 BS to mark Province Establishment Day.
This decision was made during a recent cabinet meeting held on 2080/12/20 and has been officially communicated through a notice signed by Gangadhar Pandey, Senior Branch Officer of the ministry.
The holiday declaration demonstrates the provincial government’s commitment to commemorating the historical establishment of Lumbini Province. It allows residents to participate in various celebratory events that may be organized on this occasion.

For government employees, businesses, and residents of Lumbini Province, this announcement provides advance notice to plan their schedules accordingly. The public holiday will allow citizens to reflect on the province’s journey since its establishment and participate in any official ceremonies or cultural programs that may be organized to mark this significant day.
The notice, displaying the official letterhead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law and the provincial emblem, has been circulated to ensure public awareness of this holiday declaration.
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