Israel working visa application result name list details. Israel assistant worker Sahayak Kamdar Caregiver visa result update. DOFE published an Urgent notice regarding the conduct of Pre-Departure Orientation Training (PDOT). According to the bilateral labor agreement concluded between the Government of Nepal and the Government of Israel, as per the bilateral labor agreement concluded between the Government of Nepal and the Government of Israel.
The Assistant workers Care Giver according to the attached list have passed the health examination and the pre-departure orientation training (PDOT) of the auxiliary workers who have passed the health examination has been conducted.
Vocational Training Institute, Bhainsepati, is operating in Lalitpur, and only the auxiliary workers who participate in the training are eligible for the Israeli auxiliary workers. Therefore, it is requested that they participate in the training compulsorily. In addition, the assistant workers whose names are not on this list but who were found to be FIT in the health examination will not have PDOT again, so they have been informed to immediately contact the relevant health institution, send a report of FIT in the health examination, and participate in PDOT.
Israel Caregiver Assistant Working Visa Result & PDOT Orientation Class TimeTable
Israel Working Visa Caregiver Orientation Program Training Timetable
Israel Working Visa PDOT Orientation Training Date: 2081 Magh 10 to Magh 16
Pre-Departure Orientation Training Time: 9:30 Am to 5:30 Pm
Location: Rastriya Byabasayik Prahikshan Pratisthan, Bhaisepati, Lalitpur
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=> Israel working Visa Medical Result & PDOT orientation Timetable
It is informed that the foreign employment department is not responsible if the assistant worker does not have PDOT due to his own fault. And for training conducted from National Vocational Training Institute, Bhainsepati Lalitpur Contact Person: Mr. Nisha Thakur Phone no. 01-5590254, if you have any questions regarding the training, be sure to get in touch with above contact details immediately as per the order.
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