Bhansar office Custom Office Notice regarding auction promotion of various materials. Custom Office Sales auction notice Lilam bikri suchana. Apply for Custom office auction Now. According to the provision in sub-rule 2 of rule 35 of the Customs Regulations, 2064, the goods listed in the customs evasion case will be auctioned from the given date & time at this customs office. This information has been published for the information of all concerned. A deposit of 10% of the auction receipt number must be immediately deposited and the goods must be picked up in the same condition as they are.
The highest score of the person who scored the highest score will be accepted. After acceptance of receipt, the remaining amount should be paid within 7 days and the goods should be picked up. If the goods are not picked up within the specified period, the action will be taken according to the rules.
It is also informed that all the rights to approve or not approve the post are reserved in this office. Also, this information can be downloaded from the office’s website
Custom Office Janakpur Dhanusa Bhansar Lilam Bikri Auction Notice

Custom Office Bhansar Silbandi Lilam Bikri Auction Notice
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Custom Office Auction Bhansar Lilam Bikri Conditions regarding Sealed Bid Form:-
- The bid form can be purchased within the office hours up to the 21st day from the date of publication of the notice from the accounting branch of this office by paying the prescribed fee (non-refundable). Also, in the case of buying a bid, a copy of the Nepali citizenship certificate should be submitted in case of a natural person, and in the case of other persons (firms/companies/associations/organizations), a copy of the income tax, VAT registration certificate, and tax payment certificate should be submitted. Only firms/companies/associations/organizations that have received a license to deal in Kavadi will be able to purchase the vehicles that will be auctioned in Patru Scap (Kavadi) without being registered in the Transport Management Office.
- The amount you have paid should be clearly mentioned in numbers and letters. If it is corrected or corrected, the signature of the bidder must be there. Also, if there is a difference between numbers and letters, letters will be recognized.
- When submitting the tender form, the tender must be placed in an envelope and the envelope must be sealed and the tender notice no. And the name and address of the bidder should be disclosed. Also each notification no. A separate tender must be submitted for the goods.
- Bidders must submit their bids under the name in whose name they have purchased the bid form. Bids should be filled only on the gross bid form sold from this office. Also, bids submitted without any conditions will not be accepted.
- Purchased bids must be registered at the accounting branch of this office by 12:00 PM on the 22nd day from the date of publication of the notice (if the day falls on a public holiday, the next day the office opens at the same time). It will be opened in this office at the presence of the representatives.Even if the bidder is absent at the appointed time, the opening of the bid will not be hindered.
- Information about the acceptance of the bid will be published on the notice board of this office. It can also be seen from the notice placed on the web site of this office
- After the highest number of bids are accepted, the bidder shall collect the vehicle within 7 (seven) days from the date of acceptance of the bid and collect all the revenue including VAT, road construction duties and other taxes in the case of the vehicle that is due according to the rules. will fall According to sub-rule 4 of rule 36 of Customs Regulations 2064 if not picked up within the deadline
- The task of registering the vehicles auctioned in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations will be the responsibility of the auctioneer.
- Vehicles auctioned in Patru Scrap (Kavadi) without being registered at the Transport Management Office, the auctioneer will have to cancel the registration and engine numbers of each vehicle before picking up the vehicle at his own expense and cut the vehicles into pieces and take them as junk.
- Apart from what is mentioned in it, other subjects will be according to the prevailing Nepal Acts and laws. In addition, all the rights to accept the bid or not will be vested in this office.
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