Maharajgunj Medical Campus MMC published the job vacancy notice for various posts & service/ faculty. Are you seeking jobs in medical campuses, here are the great new opportunity for medical health service career. Maharajgunj Medical Campus (MMC) located at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu is one of the 7 constituent campuses of the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
Since its up-gradation to the status of a campus from the “Auxiliary Health Worker’s School” in 2029 BS (1972 AD), MMC has, during the span of five decades, played a significant role in conducting various academic programs for the development of different categories of human resources for health in Nepal.
This notice informs eligible Nepali citizens to submit the application form within 28 days from its publication date as the following subjects and positions are to be appointed on contract service for a maximum of 1 year for this campus. For detailed information, you can see the campus notice board and the website: and

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