SEE Exam Pariksha Mulyankan Karyabidhi published by National Examination Board, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. SEE Pariksha Mulyankan, Natija Prakashan Pramanikaran Karyabidhi 2077. Secondary Education Examination (SEE) Class 10 Student Assessment, Result Publication and Certification Procedure, 2077

Secondary Education Examination (SEE) Class 10 As the examination could not be conducted on the scheduled date and the duration of the epidemic remained uncertain, considering the academic session of the students, based on the final assessment made by the concerned school in the case of class 10 students mentioned in Section 48 (1) of the Education Act, 2028 (with amendments). The National Examination Board has formulated the following procedure as per the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal dated 2077-02-28 under the authority to remove the impediment mentioned in Article 20 of the Act.

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