Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog recently published the new updated syllabus of Adhikrit 7th level Officer 7th level. Lumbini Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Pradesh syllabus of Adhikrit Officer 7th level Administration Service, Administration, Revenue, Accounts and Provincial Legislative Group, Officer Level 7th Level Posts.
Examination System (Plan) Curriculum Syllabus Outline of Officer Adhikrit 7th Level Lumbini Pradesh Lok sewa: –
The curriculum outline on the basis of the Integrated & Unified Examination System will be as follows.
1. First Stage – 100 Marks
First Paper – Administrative Aptitude Test (objective multiple choice) – 1 Hour 30 Minutes
– General Awareness – 50 Marks
– Aptitude Test – 30 Marks
– English Language Competence Test – 20 Marsk
2. Second stage – 300 Marks
Second Paper – System of governance – 1 Hour
Third Paper– contemporary issues – 1 Hour
Fourth Paper – Service group related (Administration Service, Administration, Revenue, Accounts and Provincial Legislative Group) – 1 Hour
3. Third Stage – 50 Marks
Final stages: – Skill test, group test and interview

Part (B)
2. Aptitude Test 30 * 1 = 30 Marks
2.1 Verbal reasoning such as series, analogy, classification, coding-decoding, insert the missing character, common property, matrices, direction and distance sense test, ranking order, assertion and reason, induction, deduction, courses of action, etc 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
2.2 Non-verbal reasoning such as series, analogy, classification, Venn diagrams, matrices, construction of squares and triangles, and figure formation and analysis, dot situation, water images, mirror images, embedded figures, etc. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
2.3 Quantitative aptitude such as arithmetical reasoning / operation, percentage, fraction, decimal, ratio, average, loss, profit, date/calendar, time and work, etc. 6*1 =6 Marks
2.4 General mental ability, logical reasoning and analytical ability 6×1=6 Marks
2.5 Data interpretation – charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency 6×1=6 Marks
Part (C)
3. English Language Competence Test 20 × 1 = 20 Marks
3.1 Comprehension: 5 ~ 1= 5 Marks
Questions will be asked based on the passage given. The questions will try to accommodate the following areas: – Fact finding, Inferential, Core theme, True/false identification, Issues raised and Language based
3.2 Vocabulary: 7×1= 7 Marks
Questions will be asked to assess their grasp on the English language vocabulary. The questions will be of the following nature: – Meaning of the words (literal /figurative/contextual), Single word for expressions, Synonyms/antonyms, Derivatives and Homonyms/homophones
3.3 Syntactic ability: 8 x 1 = 8 Marks
Questions will be asked to assess the syntactic ability of the candidates. The questions will be based on the following categories: Agreement, Tense aspect, Parallel structures, Clauses, Modifier, Conditionals, Phrasal expressions, Shifts (tense, number, person), Transformations, Varieties, Prepositions / conjunctions and Parts of speech
Note: – This above English Language Competence Test syllabus is devised for assessing the proficiency of the English language of candidates. With the view to assess the candidates’ language competence, the syllabus aims:

Adhikrit Officer 7th Level First Paper, Second Paper, Third Paper & Fourth Paper Full Syllabus Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa
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