Ministry of General Administration published notice regarding the implementation and expenditure of the conditional grant of the Prime Minister Employment Program to all the local levels. Pradhanmantri Rojgar Karyakram PMEP

Article 33 of the Constitution of Nepal includes the right to employment as a fundamental right. The Right to Employment Act, 2075 has also been issued to implement the same fundamental right. The Government of Nepal has announced to end the practice of forcing any Nepali citizen to go for foreign employment within the next five years by creating employment opportunities in public development works through the policies and programs and budget of the current Fiscal Year 2075/76.

Programs and projects related to public development are being run by thematic ministries and agencies under different levels of government. Thus, various agencies have not been able to give due priority to job creation while conducting development programs and projects. The Right to Employment Act, 2075 BS has made provision to identify and list the unemployed by establishing employment service centers at every local level and to guarantee employment to the unemployed persons registered in the employment service centers for at least one hundred days in a fiscal year. If the government of Nepal fails to provide minimum employment in this way, there is a provision that every unemployed family should be given a subsistence allowance of fifty percent of the minimum wage received by a worker working for one hundred days.

Click Here to View Notice in Ministry of Federalism & General Administration Websites.

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