Nepal Administrative Training Academy NATA NASC Prasasanik Pratishthan Vacancy


Nepal Administrative Training Academy (NATA) Nepal Prasashanik Prashikshan Pratishan Published various vacancy notices for multiple posts and levels. Vacancy Recruitment Committee NATA information has been published as per the agreement of the Public Service Commission that the vacancies mentioned in the details of the establishment should be filled by performance appraisal promotion, internal and open competitive examination permanently and by permanent staff of the same category of Government of Nepal or University.

Interested Nepalese citizens who have completed the minimum qualifications should register in the institution by filling in the form and attaching a copy of the certificate related to Nepali citizenship and educational qualification within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of publication of this notice and within the next 7 (seven) days after payment of payment.

Type of examination – Written, practical (performance test presentation, psychometric test and interview.
In case the post is to be filled in the job, suitability through practical tests and interviews as determined by the Vacancy Committee

Examination Conduct – The written exam will be conducted by the Public Service Commission.
Nepali or English or both.

The application must be submitted. Additional documents to be submitted by the candidates on the inclusive side in case of disability based on the recommendation of an approved doctor based on proof of disability from the Social Welfare Council.

Open Competition side – Officer Level, Officer Assistant & other posts.
Senior Assistant Post – 18 years of age but under 35 years of age
Application Last Date: till 2081 Magh 17 & Double Fee : 2081 Magh 24
Eligible interested Nepali citizens are informed to register this application within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of first publication and within the next 7 (seven) days after paying double fee by attaching a certified copy of the certificate of Nepali citizenship and educational qualification.

Application Forms can be obtained by downloading from the Foundation’s website ( On the application form which has not been received or has been received late It is also informed that no action will be taken.

Salary: Salary and other benefits According to the rules
Probationary period: The probationary period for appointed employees will be 6 months in the case of women and 1 year in the case of men.
Contact Phone No. 01-5422160, 01-5422002 Ext.261, 240

Application Form and Syllabus- Application Form and Syllabus for prescribed posts download from Institute website
Developmental topics
[Economics, Sociology / Anthropology, Political Science, Rural Development, Computer Science, Geography, Population Studies, Development Management / Other subjects under study.

Equivalence : In case of educational qualifications for which equivalence has to be determined, a certified copy of the equivalence determination is mandatory

Introduction of Nepal Administrative Training Academy NATA
The Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) was set up as a national level autonomous institution on 27th September, 1982 (11 Aswin, 2039 BS) under the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) Act, 1982.
Provide necessary training for the employees of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises;
Identify measures for enhancing the capability of administration of the Nepal Government and management of public enterprises to contribute towards development programme of the country; and
Undertake problem-oriented research, consulting and information service programmes for preparing training materials and making training more useful.
Training Policy: NASC’s training policies are as follows:
To associate training programme as an integral part of personnel administration;
To associate training programme with the development activities of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises;
To associate trainings with career development by improving development oriented knowledge and skills of employees of the Government of Nepal and Public Enterprises.

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